Akrilik Dişler


Teknik Özellikler

KAILI 2 layers economical teeth made by general PMMA resin, is warmly welcomed by customers worldwide due to the good quality and reasonable price.

High Quality Raw Material  Advanced Manufacturing Technique  Natural Design  Patent Packing

Delivery Forms
9 upper anterior moulds: T2, T4, T6, T8, T10, S2, S4, S6, S8,  5 lower anterior moulds: L2, L4, L6, L8, and L10
8 posterior moulds: 30U, 30L, 32U, 32L, 34U, 34L, 36MU, 36ML  16 A-D shades   Anterior: 6 teeth/card, 16 cards/box; Posterior: 8 teeth/card, 12 cards/box;  Full set: 28 teeth/set, 4 sets/box

+90 545 455 72 75 +90 544 488 58 70